Thursday, March 20, 2014

Why I Support Ordain Women And Why All Mormons Should Too

I'm sure you are quite well versed in the current standing of the small Ordain Women movement in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. However, I'm about to offer you a completely different viewpoint than you may have read from other blog posts. One that I believe will get you thinking.

The reaction that first came up to my mind when learning of OW about a year ago was, "Oh great, another anti-mormon movement..." I had 2 problems with the group. 1) They appear to be proposing "Anti-Mormon" doctrine and 2) they seem to be doing it in a demanding way. Since those were my initial reactions, that's what I will address in this article.

Is OW an "Anti-Mormon" movement? Is it supporting doctrine contrary to the church's teachings?

Let's take a look.

Ordain Women uses an interview with my childhood beloved prophet President Gordon B. Hinckley to reference when he spoke on this very subject way back in 1997.

In regards to the rules set out that men are the only recipients of Priesthood Ordination, David Ransom asked, "Is it possible that the rules could change in the future?" President Hinckley replied, "He could change them yes. If He were to change them that's the only way it would happen... But there's no agitation for that. We don't find it. Our women are happy."

In the hope that this interview supplied, OW supporters have submitted (for a second time) a request for admission to this next General Conference Priesthood Session. The Church gave a response to their inquiry and a specific line they used backs up what Pres. Hinckley has said.

"Ordination of women to the priesthood is a matter of doctrine that is contrary to the Lord’s revealed organization for His Church."

"Revealed" is the key word in that statement. Again, it denotes a possibility for future change.

Now, you're probably thinking, "Oh crap, Cory has gone loco!"

Hold your horses.

Yes I believe its possible but I also believe it's not probable. I personally would be a little weirded out if it changed, but would conform to God's revealed doctrine no matter what it was. But we all have to accept the fact of it's possibility.

The Church obviously doesn't have a clear answer on this subject. Which means OW is completely fine for petitioning the church to ask God for a clear answer. They merit the same right as any black member years ago to petition the brethren to ask God about Priesthood Ordination. And they aren't being "Anti" for doing it, they can even hold a temple recommend for having those view (at least for now). Here is an interesting document that is handed out by OW as a help reference when approached about OW views. Check out examples starting at page 11. It's interesting to note that all of the stake presidencies involved weren't taking away their temple recommends (Which if you are not familiar, one of the questions prior to obtaining the recommend asks if you support a group whose teachings are against the church doctrine).

Take a look at the Doctrine and Covenants. How did we get them? Joseph saw unclear doctrine and inquired of the Lord. How did we receive the restoration? Joseph saw unclear doctrine and inquired of the Lord. How did the blacks finally receive the Priesthood? The church leaders saw an "agitation" on the subject and inquired of the Lord.

"God waits for us to inquire before instructing."

Don't get me wrong, we will not dictate God. But like I said, he does wait for us to ask before we can receive.

Of course God "can" change what he wants to change in the church. But some things have undefined reasonings and are more understandable to change. An example, I have no clue why we pass the sacrament to the Bishop first. There is no doctrine that I find instructing that. However, I really don't care. If there was "agitation" on the issue, I'm sure it would be more clearly defined or done away with.

Not even Pres. Hinckley says why men only have the Priesthood. He merely says, "The Lord put it that way". With the Word of Wisdom, we have many reasons as to why it's there, scientific and spiritual. Sure it could still change, but it seems less likely.

I don't mind OW going to the church and saying, 

"We feel this is important, can you petition God for us?" 
And then having the church come back with an actual answer, weather yes or no.

However, I would be very annoyed if a band of members grouped together and asked the church to petition God to redefine marriage to include Gays... That doctrine is so clearly laid out. Where as gender and the priesthood is not.

Is OW demanding that the church changes it's doctrine?

I think OW comes off as very extreme. They may not intend to do that, but they most definitely do to me. This is what turned me off about them and came up with my initial "Anti-Mormon" thought process.

At least that was my initial reaction, until I looked more into it. I read their blog, no hostility. I watched a video of them actually at last Priesthood Session of Conference asking to get in, no hostility.

As long as they respectfully go about their petition and then sit content with the answer they receive, I'm all fine with the group.

ConclusionI thought I'd wrap up with a few of the amazing results of OW and other women rights movements in the church.

It's because of their inquiry that the age limits have changed on both Male and Female missionaries for the church.

It's because of their inquiry that women now have a more predominant role in PEC meetings.

It's also because of their inquiry that the pictures of LDS Women leaders are now up for display in the Conference Center for the first time.

Now, since their actions have not been hostile (as far as I've observed), I see no reason to turn them away as "extremists". However, 
I want my personal beliefs to be clear. 

I support and sustain the leaders of this church. I support the current standing of the church on this subject that Priesthood is given to men only. I don't really care for the Ordination of Women, but I can respect that some have good reasons for it. I also believe it's possible that it "could" change. Since OW's question doesn't have a clear answer and isn't supporting of Anti-Mormon doctrine, I believe they are entitled to an answer. And I will uphold and defend the answer received.

"I support OW, because I support the search for further light and knowledge from God."

If you agree with this concept, please help me open the mind of church members by sharing this around.

If you have a different perspective, please chime in below. If you have links to your sources, please link them to your comments. I am open to more understanding on this subject.

(EDIT 4/6/14: Elder Oaks gave a beautiful, well worded, and clarifying talk on this specific subject. Ordain Women now needs to accept that they've been heard and now they need to humble themselves to the answer given.

I was disappointed to hear the actions of OW durring April 2014 Priesthood session. They directly disobeyed the requests of the Church to use designated protest areas. Instead, they picketed near the tabernacle and refused to leave when asked... Come on OW... That's a horrid way to get you voice heard and respected.)

Monday, March 3, 2014


Let me fill you in on a MISTAKE that I made this past week. Yup, I'm going to share with you one of my weaknesses that made me stop dead in my tracks and yell in my own ear, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Please keep in mind, at the end I'm going to ask you a question to better help me understand how I can continue to turn this mistake into something positive.

Let's get started,

Just a couple days ago I was at work chatting with a fellow employee. Because of our monotonous tasks that were assigned to us that day, we got onto the common subject of the unfavorable way our managers managed the shop. I proceeded to spew out, what I deemed, facts of what the company was doing wrong and how the company could be better run.

I know, I know, we all complain about work from time to time. But I had participated in this rant for nearly the whole week now, and particularly for a few hours on this particular day!

The interesting part is that I KNEW that I was complaining and that I "probably" shouldn't. However, I justified my hurtful words because I was right and I knew it and my coworker fueled my fire by agreeing with what I said. Can't leave the applauding crowd hanging you know?

What makes the whole situation ironic is that I had just previously read a book 3 times in the prior month who's first chapter is about NEVER criticizing, complaining, or condemning others. How's that for hypocrisy?

A number of years ago the NSF (National Science Foundation) estimate that the average human being produces anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts each day. Now most of these have little immediate value like dwelling on the past, future, daydreaming, etc... Leaving just a small amount of thoughts that actually reflect on what's important.

Some have estimated that an upwards of 60%-70% of all these thoughts are negative. Would you agree?

Maybe take a short self evaluation to determine the truth of that for you.

-What was your reaction when the alarm went of this morning?
-What did you think of yourself when you first saw your reflection in the mirror today?
-Any traffic problems today? What was your reaction?
-What was your attitude when you first walked into work, sat down for class, or began your first errand?

If you are anything like me (which I hope you aren't), my reaction to those common tasks usually add another brick to the emotional backpack I carry throughout the day. Adding another when someone cuts me off. Then another when I'm late to my next task, and another when I realize, or worse when someone else points out, some task I did wrong or even completely forgot to do the days before.

"Home, home on the range,
Where the deer and the antelope play;
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
And the skies are not cloudy all day."

You probably heard John Denver's voice, or some childhood scouts as you read that familiar song verse. I like the picture this song paints. "Home"is a place where we all feel comfortable and welcomed, loved and accepted. The other verses describe events and attitudes that would add to that environment and allow us to imagine it.

These feelings foster growth and improvement. They are the balm to our emotional wounds from our daily wade in negative environments such as the criticisms of the world. Yes, the ones that I gave.

Here, in this thought process, was my EPIPHANY.

The goal of my complaining was the hope something would change in my work environment. However, the VERY means that I attempted to accomplished that purpose prevented it from even happening. Criticism, complaining, and condemning put a halt on any desire for one to make an improvement.

Even if I was right with my thoughts about better management, had my managers stood in the path my comments, I'm sure their reaction would only be to defend the reasons why they were doing what they were doing things the way they were.

However, what we thirst for more that water itself is the feeling of APPRECIATION.

"Once I did bad and that I heard ever. Twice I did good and that I hear never."

How common is it for our good deeds to go unnoticed and instead have our flaws put in the spotlight?

Appreciation, like "home", is the breeding ground for progress and improvement. When we accentuate the positive in people, we perform a miracle by being the diamond in their rough day. Those acts over time will do more to change their behavior and positive progress than any criticism could ever.

Let's take the science I listed above as a challenge to lift up our own day, by lifting up another's.

NOW, since I am sure that you didn't delve into this bad habit as much as I did this week. I want YOUR HELP.

When someone around you is criticizing, complaining, or condemning... What are some positive ways to react that wont directly make them feel guilty (which, as we've discussed, doesn't foster change)?

Chime in below so I can learn from YOU!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Due to so many circumstances that I've observed, experienced,
and talked to people about, I've just got to talk about the:

#1 Reason people FALL OUT OF LOVE.

Here's a fact, we all have, in varying degrees, a NEED to "Love"
and/or to "Be Loved".

It's been a big part of my life to understand love, because I've
messed so many relationships up not understanding it.

Lets first expose a MYTH about LOVE.

There is a common belief that when you meet that "someone"
 that you will have this amazing feeling right off the bat. We
are taught that as kids and through TV, so that's what we look
 for, is this wonderful feeling that makes us comfortable. But
the thing that is forgotten is that "actions" precede "feelings".

So many times have I shut someone out because I didn't "feel"
what I wanted with that person, regardless of considering their
 character traits, personality, and goals in life. Even if they
were exactly what I was wanting.

The truth is this, i've said it before, so here it is again:

"You do not simply "fall in love" with someone. 
True love is woven strong and seamless with the 
threads of selfless service. You care for others only 
as deep as you've invested your time and emotion
into them."

Want to fall in love with someone? Go serve them, do things
for them, spend time with them. Stop waiting for the "feeling".
Actions precede feelings. This principle is wonderfully brought
to life in the movie "Fireproof", where a couple on the edge of
divorce repair their relationship by performing acts of kindness
towards each other.

This is key because when things get hard and that person isn't
pleasant to always be around, then your "feelings" are going to
want to flee due to the lack of love you really have for them.

So if you are struggling with someone in a relationship now, go
do something for them, set down all arguments and hate aside
and focus on the positive in that person and then bring it out with
your service. Your love will increase and those feelings will blossom.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Most of you who know me are probably thinking, 

"Cory! How could you support men being 'jerks' to women?"

Calm down, calm down. Let me explain why, just continue reading.

Sitting down at Chili's I had a great conversation this last
weekend with a group of girls. They all had ONE question:

"Cory, Why do girls go for the 'Jerks'?"

To best answer that question I want to expose a natural law 
that I saw repeatedly when I studied profiles and self explanations. 
One of the most common response people would say is this:

"My name is Rod and I like to party!"

Ok ok, so maybe that is a quote from "Hot Rod", but it really 
is what people say, they like to have fun. On dating sites 
you'll read over and over, "My name is... and I like to have 
fun" ... well duh, who doesn't? 

Here is the law you need to understand, "you are attracted 
to everything that you find fun." Sounds pretty simple right? 


HOLD ON! Wait wait... a jerk doesn't sound that fun to be 
with. Go ask the plethora of women who have been abused 
in all ways possible. "zero" fun. And I will agree with them. 
So how does this tie into the first question?

"Jerks" naturally do things that "Good guys" don't catch 
onto that makes for a fun time. No it's not sex, drugs, getting 
drunk, or manipulation. I'm going to share with you a few of 
the things the jerks do RIGHT that land them the attention of 

First off lets get what they do wrong out of the way. Relationships 
with jerks end mostly because they are unreliable, immature, lazy, 
selfish, insensitive, etc... So by no means do I support anyone 
being a jerk, but they are doing some things right when it comes 
to being attractive. Here are a few:

Number 1, The way they talk. Given the right situation, when a 
girl says "I don't feel good...", a jerks sarcastic response of "Ya, 
you don't look good either." is perfect to lighten the mood, rather 
than a "good guys" response of, "I'm sorry sweetie, what can I 
do to help?" therefore the unexpected answer from the "jerk" is
more fun, aka more attractive.

Number 2, The way they touch. The #1 reason why guys get put 
into the "friend zone" is because they aren't flirty at all with 
touching. Jerks touch all the time, a rub on the back, a poke, 
etc... And generally speaking more touch is more fun, aka jerks 
win again with attraction.

Attraction is merely value. If you are more valuable aka more 
"fun", you are more attractive. The reason 'jerks' have a fast turn 
over of girlfriends is because they don't provide a long term "value" 
which is what all the "good guys" are so good at. But their hold 
up is they don't provide the short term value to land the hook. 

FOR EXAMPLE: Referring to "number 1", the Jerk gets the 
short term value out with his sarcastic remarks, but he looses the
long term value by not actually helping her out or having a reliable 
character to take care of her. Vise versa, the Good guy looses out 
by not being "fun", but is exactly what she "needs" in the long run. 

What I support, and teach in my classes, is how to be the best of both worlds.

There is a TON of value in what I just shared with you here. Take 
it and apply it, test it out for yourself and comment about your 
experiences bellow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Throughout my “dating life” i’ve had plenty of experiences, probably
shared by you as well, where I’ve been greatly attracted to someone and
even get along well with them, yet, it wouldn’t progress into a relationship
because she wasn’t feeling “it”. What’s “it”?

“It” is “no connection”, “chemistry”,  or what I will refer to as the “spark”.
I’ve had many a conversation with people about this mysterious “spark”
and this is what I want to briefly explain it to you.

Basically defined, this “spark” is a complete and overall attraction to an
individual: Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually. Meaning that you are
physically/sexually attracted to them, can relate and converse well with
each other, have fun with each others personalities, and have overall
similar ideals, values, and goals in life.

I believe that these things are crucial to make a positive and efficient
relationship. However, the twist is, I believe that much of what YOU
find “attractive”… is choice. Let me explain.

Referring to what we each find “attractive”, my friend Jacci, once told
me, “Attraction can be gained.” I would say this to mean that a physical
attraction can be overlooked due to a more important attraction at a
deeper level. We will come back to that later.

The history of “Physical” attraction throughout the world tells us
that there is no one ideal to shoot for. In the late 1800s the Ideal
for women was to be “full”, a heavier woman was looked upon as
wealthy and healthy. Throughout the 1900s that ideal changed in
america from a phase of flat breasted, medium build, to that of a
large bust and slim body.

Even different cultures show a large variety  of their “ideal” physique
over time. There is even evidence that women  in Africa today are
leaning towards the “Victoria’s Secret” look  because of the influence
in media there from our country.

This goes to show that this “ideal” is based upon choice, not law.
There is no standard for what type of physique can be deemed as
“beautiful”. It is solely upon an individuals choice. Deep down inside
you believe that a certain quality is attractive, something that has been
taught to you while you grew up. Now you get to determine what your
“important” qualities are and what things you have just preferred yet
deemed important for a long time.

People choose preferred qualities because they believe that having
that quality in a relationship will make it more enjoyable.
For example, Physically, I would prefer someone who is shorter than
me, slim yet an athletic build, and symmetrical. However, i’ve dated and
been attracted to women who are my height, not athletic at all, and are
a medium build. Why? Because they had something of greater value
beneath that. I was willing to let my preferences go, to exchange what
I “liked” to what was eternally important. Hence my attraction was my choice.
This can also be true to other qualities we look for, such as the type of humour
we enjoy, vocal tones, hobbies, passions, etc… Each can be overlooked.
So how can you decipher what are your “important” attractions and what
qualities you see as mere preference?

My suggestion is to take an eternal perspective. First, where are you wanting
to go? Once you have a clearer destination, then you have an idea of what
it will take to get you there. Take the example of Josh Weed, a gay man,
married to a woman. He states that he is “attracted to men sexually” yet
he gave that up so that he could 1) stay true to his religious beliefs, 2) have
children of his own, and 3) marry his best friend, someone who truly
cared for who he really was and what he was striving to become. Those
are examples of desires that can overthrow “preferred” qualities.

This “spark” is not imbedded into us. It does not control who we are attracted to,
but instead can be controlled by you. I invite you to take that eternal perspective
and look at those around you, and people you will meet, in a deeper way. Because
I strongly believe that with the right core qualities, "any two people can have a
powerful and happy marriage."

P.S. You can read more about Josh Weed’s story here.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Let me share with you a personal experience of mine.

You may have heard me say or post “Be happy, it’s a choice.”
Well, I’ve heard of some… opinions that disagree with that statement.
Ideas like, 

“...circumstances determine our attitude and behavior.
For example, if someone murdered a family member of yours,
you WILL feel sad, mourn, and be angry… it’s NATURAL.”

I’d like to illustrate how we can CONTROL the outcome of any situation.
Here’s how it goes:

I had made an exodus from Walmart to the Newgate Mall, which
really was further away than I like to travel. There I was shopping
for some clothes, something I was not looking forward to because
my expectations were to be pressured to buy some dumb outfit
that I was not interested in.

Also I was hoping to drop in on a friend. After about 45 mins. of
finding and trying out about a dozen shirts, I found some that I
liked. After seeing the cheap price they were listed for, I checked
to see that I had the money in my wallet to purchase them. To my
surprise, it wasn’t in my pocket.

I don’t know if you have had this experience before, but my mind just instantly
clicked to a knowledge that It fell out as I was driving my motorcycle to the mall.
I looked up at the man who had been helping me and expressed my dilemma. In
a sigh, I expressed my frustration that I would be spending the rest of the evening
driving up and down where I had traveled in search of my wallet.

In hopes to brighten up that immediate sad moment, and accomplish part of the
reason I even went to that mall, I thought i’d try to visit my friend in the store
next door. To my dismay, I walked out shortly after entering because she
wasn’t there.

Now I my shoulders fell lower and my feet were dragging across the
ground as I repeated the following: Traveled all the way up here, spent
forever looking for a shirt to only find one, found out I lost my wallet, my
friend wasn’t even working, I’m going to have to order a new license, cancel
my bank card and get a new one, lost the cash I had along with other
membership cards and my temple recommend.

Now i’ll have to spend forever looking on the street for it, and chances are
it fell out on the freeway which is going to be impossible to spot…

I just clouded my mind with the negative circumstances my day had
pressed upon me. It seemed like the devil himself was after me.

JUST at that moment I stopped this foreshadow and I asked myself, should
I be angry or happy? Why should I let my day decide my level of joy?

Then I rewrote my story and told myself that today I had made an exodus
from my friendly Walmart to the Newgate Mall, where I was shopping for
some clothes and attempting to visit my fashion expert friend. In doing
so I met a great gentleman who wasn’t pushy at all and went completely
out of his way to help me go through numerous shirts (which we both knew
he would have to refold) just to help me find something I liked.

When I realized I lost my wallet I looked up at the man helping me and
expressed that I would have to come back later to make the purchase,
but now I get the opportunity to go on a treasure hunt. My friend wasn’t
there which means she was off of work probably doing something fun
and there are always other days to make a visit. And now that it’s
evening, this bike ride will be nice and cool.

It’s within my power simply to turn my day around and CHOOSE my reactions
to situations and literally MAKE it a great day.

My wallet was found. I could complain about what was lost, but instead
I actually am enjoying the possibilities of what someone would buy with
$60, what they would find interesting if they visit, or what
books they might check out with my library card.

Be happy, it’s a choice!

Monday, February 27, 2012


The first thing people pick up from you is what they see.
Because they see you before they talk to you. And even
more received than what you say is what you show through
your body language.

Body language is the outward manifestation of our
inner beliefs and thoughts. It’s a language that everyone
speaks but few can consciously translate and understand.

The way you walk is one way to send out a signal of
who you are so that you are positively received by others.

Take Tigger and Eyore for examples. Tiggers’ body
language is fun and exciting and draws people to him.
Where as Eyore is depressing and closed off which pushes
people away because they don’t want to have that in their lives.

Confidence is one of the greatest attributes for attraction
around. I’m going to teach you how to show that in your

Here’s the trick:

The way to walk to catch their eye

Posture - Slouched shoulders is a sign of laziness
and un-organization. When positioned back and with
the chest out a bit, it is a sign of dominion and confidence.
Roll shoulders back and let them down. This usually
take a bit of effort to keep them in this position at first
but it is worth it.

The walk - Small steps are a sign of uncertainty
and over cautiousness in a casual walk. Big strides
show that you know where you are going in life and
you are ready to conquer opposition to get there.

Eyes - Many times we avoid eye contact with others
when they get close or connect their eyes to ours,
this puts off a sign of shyness and insecurity. On
the contrary, when you look directly into their
eyes without wavering (even when they look back)
then you show that you are sure of yourself and
comfortable with who you are.

Head positioning - Looking down is a sign of loneliness
and isolation. Go with the saying “keep your chin up”.
Having your head up and level shows optimism, that with
all the junk that we deal with in life, you are determined
to choose to be happy.

Test out these four simple adjustments this weekend when
you are with a group of people and post your results below!

Also, check out my free Win Win Dating Guide and start
getting more dates this week!